The education team at Dublin Zoo have a wide range of experience in communicating wildlife and biodiversity storylines, using a range of activity based learning programmes. Click on the Dublin Zoo icon to find out more.

The Heritage in Schools Scheme provides a panel of 175 heritage specialists to visit primary schools throughout the country. The specialist’s areas of expertise range from bats to whales, from vikings to the history of bread, from story-telling to traditional dance, and from charcoal making to military heritage, to mention a few.

Something Fishy is a programme aimed at fifth and sixth classes in Primary school. The aim of Something Fishy is to inform and educate students on water quality, fish and the environment. To find out more about this programme, just click on the fishy!!

Green Schools is an international environmental education programme and award scheme that promotes and acknowledges long-term, whole-school action for the environment. The NPWS are supporting the latest theme in the Green Schools Programme. Click on the logo to find out more about the Irish Green Schools Programme.

Resources for Rethinking is a project developed by Canadian non-profit Learning for a Sustainable Future. It provides teachers access to lesson plans, curriculum units and other teaching resources that integrate environmental, social and economic spheres through learning that is interdisciplinary and action-oriented. We call this learning Education for Sustainable Development or ESD.

The Birdwatch Ireland website has plenty of interesting projects and information for educators and children alike. Just click on the icon to go to their webpage.